
Fishing website is the media patron of Rybomania


The Community Fishing Portal is a website for all anglers who are looking for up-to-date and verified information on fisheries, lures, fishing equipment and the current activities of their PZW clubs.

On the fishing portal you can find information about the most important events and fishing events, as well as answers to many questions: what type of bait to take to the water to make the fishing more successful, what places, depending on the season, to choose - these are just some of the issues raised on the site. A significant part of the content is occupied by current news published by manufacturers and importers of fishing tackle on new products, promotional campaigns or changes in the offer. The extensive information is supplemented by an extensive gallery and original entries by bloggers of the portal, including the greatest fishing personalities in Poland.

For more information, please visit the website of the website -> WĘDKUJE.PL

And on February 11-13, 2022 you will be able to visit the portal's stand at the Rybomania Fair!